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Eighty9 Limited

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Eighty9 Limited aims, through our brands, to deliver exceptional service to unemployed and disadvantaged persons that alleviates inequality in society.

Our Brands include:

Status has dedicated more than 35 years to providing high quality, effective and timely employment solutions, building resilience and confidence in local communities and our economy; Status, empowering people, powering business.

BlueSky Mind Studio supports individuals to overcome barriers and achieve goals through evidence based, structured support with a focus on individual strengths.

Through person centered counselling and NDIS services BlueSky Mind Studio delivers personalised supports to unlock potential for a brighter tomorrow.

The Eighty9 RTO, Pivot Training, empowers learners through training in foundation skills and key employment industries. 

Pivot training serves as the pivotal point around which employment prospects can turn, with our dedicated team playing a central role in supporting our learners throughout this transformative journey.

ImpactEight strive to empower individuals to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire, and development tools to thrive in life. 

ImpactEight deliver their mission through local charity Geared for Success, and as the patron of the Adelaide affiliate of the global charity Dress for Success.

At Dress for Success our mission is to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and development tools to help women thrive in work and life.

At Geared for Success our mission is to empower men and individuals that identify as male to achieve economic independence by cultivating a network of support, personalised career coaching, and professional resources to help them excel in their professional journeys and lead fulfilling lives.