Eleven (she/they) is a Pakeha of Irish/Italian-American and Scots/English descent, privileged to be raised in comparative safety and the natural abundance of Aotearoa (New Zealand). She seeks deep justice and a fertile ecology by cultivating rich soil and robust, adaptive communities.
For 25 years, they’ve informed or performed behind a radio desk, on stage, in front of a classroom, in circle, under a tree and more recently, while looking into a computer screen. They’ve facilitated in Aotearoa, Australia, Timor Leste, Korea and Amerika, educated in high school classrooms, rehab, international language schools and mentored in arts workshops, and community gardens.
Eleven’s grateful to be rooted in global communities which support and shape her. She tips her hat to those who carved the paths she walks and works to keep the trails warm for those who will come, especially the creatives and folks with a radical understanding of Empire, Patriarchy and Capital.
Scholastic but principally unacademic, Eleven is a life-long student: recently in Generative Somatics, post-humanism with fugitive philosopher Bayo Akomalafe and Undoing Racism® with the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond. They’ve been mentored by Undoing White Supremacy Austin (Texas) and Reclaiming Justice Witches to organize anti-racism ‘unlearning circles’, by Radical Faerie elders to facilitate liberating spaces for queer/transfolx, by Leather titleholders to work for social justice in kink community and by gardeners and ecologists to work for a living planet.