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Elizabeth Pemberton

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Elizabeth began her personal healing journey during her early 20s in search of relief from depression and anxiety and found profound resonance with all things holistic. Whole foods, Reiki energy healing, homeopathy, supplements, coaching and other alternative treatments helped her to begin to heal all areas of her life where conventional treatments had failed. This shift propelled her into the world of holistic medicine, and she continues to learn daily as a student in both Naturopathy and Herbal Master programs.

Elizabeth found there was more to healing than food and supplements when she discovered her intuition and empathic abilities. Her sensitivities were not only tools to help her heal herself, but also a way to connect deeply with clients to help them discover their unique gifts for healing themselves.

Always drawn to help others, Elizabeth built her Holistic Wellness practice from a healthy home blog into a thriving wellness practice while raising her family, running a household and cooking almost everything from scratch. She lives in Michigan with her husband, two children, two labradoodles and Lucy, the cat.