Emanuelle Jones

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Emanuelle Jones

My passion for mindfulness, yoga and meditation began in my early twenties when I discovered how transformative these practices could be for my own mental health and well-being. Both the knowledge and practical application that I developed aided me to get control my crippling anxiety and perfectionism. Since then, I have made it my personal mission to share these transformative practices with the world.

As a high school teacher for over 20 years, with teaching experience in a variety of schools internationally, I have had the opportunity not only to share my passion for teaching but also work extensively in the wellbeing space. Side by side with teaching I have continued to study;  having obtained a Master's in Educational Leadership, continued study in the space of Positive Education with the University of Pennsylvania, the  ICF Coaching Accreditation, Senior Registration as a Yoga Teacher and Mentor, Professional Meditation Association Registration and I am currently on the pathway to accreditation as a Clinical Psychologist.

Whilst leading from the middle within school I have had first hand experience of the pressures placed upon staff and how this can lead to burnout. As the Staff & Student Wellbeing Leader and Mindfulness Facilitator for a decade, I observed a huge shift in school culture when wellbeing practices were embedded into the fabric of a school.

Staff empowerment is key; I believe it is quintessential that staff are equipped with a toolkit of practices that promote self-care, resilience and stress management skills. With simple shifts in perspective and an array of wellbeing practices, staff are able to self-manage the fluctuating requirements of busy school life. The rich outcome is that staff enjoy being at work and are nourished by their vocation.

I founded Breathe2B in 2020 to continue this work on a larger scale to help as many people as possible to transform their lives and those of the young people that they are privileged to care for.