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Emma Cavanough

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Hi ! I'm Emma,

Living on the sacred Gundungurra Land with my beautiful family

I'm a facilitator of all things WOMAN! Im a partner to my beautiful masculine Mitch, a mum of a daughter, and a preacher of the sacredness and magick of what it is to be a woman. 

Im a 250hour Yoga teacher, my yoga lineage is from deep rooted Bhakti yoga and i give great thanks and forever sit in the gratitude for the teachings, I acknowledge that this life i live means I'm forever a student to the teachings and the wisdom of the divine.

I also facilitate womb yoga for women to connect with their cycles and cyclical nature of what it is to be women. I teach pre and post-natal yoga to help women remember they have all the power they need to bring their babies Earth-side and they have all the power and knowledge they need to heal their bodies and nurture their babies.

I bring women back to themselves, back to their bodies to begin the "REMEMBERING". The reclamation, oooo shes powerful.

I'm a becoming a women facilitator which i trained through The School of Shamanic womancraft. This means i guide maidens our DAUGHTERS and mothers through the rite of passage of becoming a woman, to honour and create ceremony during the initiation of menarch or first blood. I do this through workshops or in home ceremonies. I also help fathers and help bring awareness to fathers and mothers on bringing the balance back in our world to also honour our SONS.

I honour our GREAT MOTHER, mother nature and am forever a daughter and student of her. When we feel lost we can return back to her for guidance and wisdom.

Im a level 2 Reiki Practitioner and use the power of this alongside my yoga and shamanic work to offer 1:1 Healings for people in all the realms of people and humans who feel the call.

I guide people through drum journeys to meet their guides and travel the 3 realms. 

I'm a photographer and use the power of art of photography to help women delve deep into the shadows of reclaiming their sexual selves, through movement, tantric movement to heal and again come back to their bodies. Boudoir is powerful.

I Live and breathe the work i do. This is my life, my calling, my Dharma, my soul work. I was put here on this earth to bring us back, back to ourselves, back to our past selves, to heal and to reclaim.  

I'm a woman of many modalities, many lives and I'm here to work with you if you feel the call.

Thank you. 

I cannot wait to meet you. Em xx