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Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA)

Employers & Manufacturers Association (EMA)'s logo
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AI Unleashed: Redefining Business Horizons

There is so much conversation around AI in the market, businesses are overwhelmed. We want to demystify, share and discuss the benefits, risks, where to start, what to use, how you prepare and protect your people and business and how you make the most out of these exciting new tools. 

  • The purpose of this Future of Work series is to explore the practical applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the workplace.
  • Our goal is to educate businesses, their people & culture leaders on how AI can be leveraged to enhance employee engagement, collaboration, and productivity.
  • This series will help shape how organizations prepare, approach and engage their workforce for the future of business, powered by AI.

About the EMA: 
The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) has lit the pathway of opportunity for Aotearoa businesses since 1886. As the unapologetic champions of kiwi ambition, we advocate for employers and arm them with the training, wisdom, and connections to secure their future. In collaboration with our nationwide network including BusinessNZ, Business Central, Canterbury Employers’ Chamber of Commerce, and Business South, we represent and support over 14,500 member companies.