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Empowered Parenting with Yolanda

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Empowered Parenting teaches strategies designed to support parents to access their own inner awareness as a means to claim back their power and overcome challenges in parenting.

Empowered parenting provides families with the steps and clarity needed to create connection and breakthroughs by actively throwing light on unconscious patterns, beliefs, and negative behaviour cycles that continue to keep parents stuck in a LOOP of frustration, disappointment, and feelings of hopelessness.

Thereby facilitating deeper understanding of our child’s needs on a deeper and more connected level, leading to a parenting experience characterised by greater freedom, ease, and joy.

Led by it’s founder, Yolanda Alvares, Empowered Parenting is on a mission to change the face of parenting and more importantly finally putting an end to the cycle of generational trauma.

Since 2017, Yolanda and her team have run over 300 empowering events for kids, successfully transformed over 200 families, and have run workshops and programs in New Zealand as well as orphanages in India.