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Enza - SOL Rituals

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Through training and my own experiences over many years I've gained a handful of jewels that I hope to share with as many people as possible.

My journey with meditation in particular, started in my early teenage years, as I was desperately trying to find natural ways to calm my restlessness and improve my sleep. Not long after I integrated yoga into my routine, however I didn't quite understand the benefits of these practices, but I knew I felt 'good'.

It took moving away from these practices and coming back to it to deepen my appreciation of its impact on my life and those around me.

I've created 🔅SOL Rituals🔅to support you in reconnecting with yourself through ritual and/or mindful practices to ultimately elevate your awareness and consciousness.

Ritual is intended to restore balance, the essence of health, to ourselves as individuals and our community. And these rituals lead the way to expansion.

I am a Senior Consultant in Professional Services by day, however I have completed certifications/training in Reiki, Yoga Teaching and Advanced Training Program to Teach and Lead (Eckhart Tolle's 'Becoming a Teacher of Presence' live & virtual course). 

Enza xx