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FemiliPNG Australia (ABN: 41 706 886 372)

FemiliPNG Australia (ABN: 41 706 886 372)'s logo
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FemiliPNG Australia is an Australian non-profit that works in partnership with local and international organisations to prevent and respond to family and sexual violence in Papua New Guinea. Our key partnership is with Femili PNG, a leading Papua New Guinean NGO that runs free support services for survivors of violence in Lae, Port Moresby and Goroka. They also operate the Bel is PNG safe house in Port Moresby.

Since opening in 2014, Femili PNG has helped over 6,700 clients access legal interventions, medical assistance, safe accommodation, financial support, and more. They also undertake outreach in communities and schools, to raise awareness about violence and the help available. They train community leaders to support survivors in locations they can’t reach directly; and collaborate closely with other service providers to enhance their impact.

FemiliPNG Australia recognise that local people, local communities and local organisations are best-placed to respond to the needs of Papua New Guinean families. That’s why we put Femili PNG at the centre of all our work – with them leading the way and us operating in support. Our focus is on providing difficult-to-source technical, project, and financial skills to extend Femili PNG’s reach and impact. All the funds we raise go directly towards supporting Femili PNG’s life-changing services.

FemiliPNG Australia is member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID) and a signatory to its Code of Conduct. We are a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, and hold DGR endorsement. Australian donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Email: info@femilipngaus.org
Phone: 02 6183 6737
ABN: 41 706 886 372

C/- Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
7 Liversidge Street
Acton, ACT, 2601