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Filippa Araki

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Filippa Araki is driven by a deep desire to help people to get along better and thrive. Through courses, workshops, and coaching in Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Gift Discovery and Use, she loves sharing the tools that have transformed her own life. Emphasising trust and respect as the foundation of meaningful relationships, Filippa encourages individuals to discover their own unique gifts, find their purposeful path in life, and connect with others with honesty and kindness. Her work encompasses over thirty-five years of intense personal growth, as well as over thirty years of teaching people from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages, and cultures in a variety of settings. A certified trainer in Nonviolent Communication, Filippa is also a Master Facilitator and Advanced Practitioner in Gift Discovery and Use and an active member of an Australian alliance group dedicated to spreading the work of the Core Gift Institute. Filippa’s Core Gift is inspiring people to be courageously themselves. She believes that when people feel safe enough to show up more fully as their whole selves in every area of their lives, they shine, and magic happens. Learn more about Filippa at

+61 412 766 299