Filmonik Melbourne

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Filmonik Melbourne is an open filmmaking group in Melbourne established in 2013. Filmonik is fiercely non-competitive and a creative platform for both experienced filmmakers and those just finding their feet as storytellers

Filmonik Melbourne mostly produces two types of events: monthly open-screen short films screenings and yearly kino-kabaret collaborative filmmaking events where directors, actors, writers, musicians and technicians meet, create and screen short films in a short amount of time supported with a hub where all can happen.

Filmonik Melbourne is a registered cultural Charity/Not-for-Profit for the benefit of Victorian filmmakers, cast and crew. Filmonik is part of the worldwide Kino Movement now autonomously active in more than 50 cities in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and in Australia in Sydney and Melbourne. The binding philosophy is the belief in filmmaking with minimum resources, in an inclusive, collaborative environment.

“Do well with nothing, do better with little, and do it now!”