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Find & Revive

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Find & Revive is an online vintage boutique based in northern New Jersey specializing in true vintage clothing, accessories, and home decor from the 1950s-1990s.

Finds are personally curated across the tri-state area by me, Paige. I currently source, clean, repair/rework and process all orders myself and work with my talented partner, Chris, to capture the beauty of each timeless find to share with you all.

Thrifting and antiquing were a huge part of my childhood, thanks to my mom, helping me to develop a keen eye early on for diamonds in the rough. The thrill of the thrift continued on into my teen years and resulted in a vintage collection of my own.

In 2018, my best friend and thrifting partner-in-crime, Kris, and I decided to part with some of our beloved vintage finds and thus Find & Revive was born.

In 2019, after nearly a decade of working in graphic design, I switched careers to make this shop my full time endeavor.

I hope you treasure these vintage finds as much as I love finding and sharing them with you.
