Florence; Keeping Clothes Alive Longer's logo

Florence; Keeping Clothes Alive Longer

Florence; Keeping Clothes Alive Longer's logo
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Florence; Keeping Clothes Alive Longer helps people give unloved or worn-out clothes another life. We offer fun, creative workshops, outdoor mending pop-ups and bespoke garment repair and remodelling services. 

Together, we save garments from landfill, reduce the damage that textile waste does to the environment and learn to love our clothes again!

For the last few decades, fast fashion and a take-make-waste, ultra-consumer mindset has done a lot of damage to the environment...not to mention our relationship with our clothes. 

But through Florence's services, you'll learn to treat your clothes with the same patience and care that your grandparents once did. And you'll even save money. 

Scroll down to see our Auckland workshops where sewing machines, scissors and other general tools of the trade are provided. You'll have access to a selection of threads and even some neat buttons and trims too. 

We partner with textile waste specialists to turn unusable clothing and scraps into an array of new goods. See more on Instagram and Facebook, or our website. 

Want to save your clothes but don't want to do a workshop? No problem. Message Florence direct @florencesavesclothes - we'd love to help. 

Our work in South East Auckland is kindly supported by Auckland Council.