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Florence Saves Clothes

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Founder Sally Webster saving clothes at the Epsom workroom, wearing a jersey that saved the best parts of 100% wool desgner jumpers

Hi, I'm Sally Webster and I founded Florence Saves Clothes to help people give unloved or worn-out clothes many more lives. This is a mission for people and planet, all done by offering people fun educational workshops, public and workplace mending pop-ups as well as bespoke garment repair and remodelling services for individual clients. 

For the last few decades, a fast fashion and a take-make-waste, ultra-consumer mindset has done a lot of damage to the environment...not to mention our relationship with our clothes. Let's change that. Let's treat our clothes with the same patience and care that our grandparents once did. This approach can even unleash untapped creativity and innovation :)

We make sure that we follow the textile waste trail right to the end of the line too - when a garment really does need to be retired we do our best to repurose it. That's why we partner with textile waste specialists like ImpacTex, to turn unusable clothing and scraps into an array of new goods ike insulation and signage. See more on Instagram and Facebook.

If you'd love to learn to repair, revive or upcycle garments from your wardrobe, or have them repaired for you, then scroll down to see our Auckland workshops and mobile mending pop-ups. You can also email sally@florencesavesclothes.com or message @florencesavesclothes. 

Towards the end of June, our own website will be up and running too!

Thanks for taking a minute to read about this new social enteprise. 

Find us and follow us on Facebook and Instagram