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Francesca Ordona Hollingsworth

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Hi there, I’m Francesca Ordona Hollingsworth a spiritual guide. I help by bringing you clarity.  You could say I connect the dots between your Mind, your Body, and your Spirit. I do this by explaining to you your hidden gifts, your talents, and your purpose, with this knowledge you can live the life of your dreams.

My process is through the divination arts of astrology, numerology, and the Gene Keys to name a few. I’m a Reverend of Psychic Healing, an Astro-Numerologist, a Master of Medical Qi Gong, a Gene Key Ambassador, and a fashion designer. Now the fashion part may seem out of sync but in my life, it makes total sense because my passion is Beauty. That being said, my journey started in the realm of outer beauty which naturally led me to travel the inside mental and spiritual path of beauty. As a result, I created with my sister Reverend Dr. Trinity our online company, Inner Beauty Healing.

If you would like clarity support during the month, watch my Global Energy Forecast at
or follow me on Tik Tok @genekeyfrancesca.

Much Light and Love!
