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Freo Women's Circle

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A fortnightly women's circle in Fremantle run by Emily and Lyndal. A sacred gathering with sound healing, yoga and cycles wisdom. Come learn about the magic of the cycles and connect in circle.


Emily is a yoga/meditation teacher and women’s circle facilitator based in Walyalup (Fremantle). With particular interests in womb awareness and embodiment practices, Emily loves to hold space for others as they consciously ground into their own awareness and also the earth. Emily grew up down south on a small farm and really feels at home in nature. When she is not practising yoga, you can find her in the sunshine with her dog, Dora, and partner, Sonny.

Lyndal is a yoga teacher, sound healing practitioner, menstrual cycle coach and facilitator. She's been running women's circles since 2020 and loves the way they weave together presence, sacred ritual, laughter and connection. She loves many healing modalities, but she absolutely loves the menstrual cycle and sharing menstrual cycle education to help people reclaim their menstrual power and experience the cycle for what it really is: pure magic.