FUSE Darebin

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FUSE is Darebin’s contemporary, multi-arts festival. Every Autumn and Spring, FUSE provides a platform for local artists and performers to transform our amazing city into a dynamic hub of creativity. FUSE allows artists and audiences alike to enjoy our streets, parks, venues, theatres, galleries and public spaces as transformative zones—infused with the power of art, culture and creativity.

Ever since its inception, FUSE has reflected Darebin’s uniqueness while highlighting its strengths to the world: as a vibrant, inclusive, creative and forward-thinking city.

We believe that artistic expression can inspire new experiences and new ideas, generating creative risk-taking not only in how we make art but also in how we bond and interact as a community.

But FUSE’s mission has also been to evolve and change, moving with the rhythm of the times and the ebb and flow of our local communities.

No matter who you are, we think you’ll find something to love in our program: something that speaks to you, connects you with others, or transforms your worldview.