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Garlett Group

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Garlett Group: An Indigenous Perspective

Garlett Group is a sustainability and communications agency dedicated to amplifying Indigenous voices and including Indigenous people in sustainability and media.

About Us

Garlett Group is a 100% Aboriginal-owned firm based in Western Australia. We service clients all over Australia. 

We provide specialist consulting, training services and strategic communications to empower individuals and organisations to work effectively and meaningfully with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Our main service offering includes sustainability services, strategic communications, First Nations action plans, educational programs and training workshops. We provide client focused solutions tailored to your organisational needs.

We work with large corporate entities, Aboriginal businesses, not-for-profits, the higher education sector and government agencies to build capacity and capability.

Whether you’re an Indigenous community looking to share your heritage, a corporate client wanting to engage the Indigenous community or educate your staff or a sustainability advocate seeking to make a positive impact, we’re here to support and guide you.