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Geoff Gourley

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Geoff Gourley

ESG Expert and Founder, ESG&I.

Creator of ChatESG (TM)

Geoff Gourley stands as a paragon of innovation and leadership at the nexus of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) sectors. With an illustrious career spanning over two decades, Geoff has cemented his position as a visionary in integrating AI with ESG strategies to foster sustainable and impactful business practices.

As the founder and principal consultant of ESG&I, Geoff pioneers a technology-led approach, utilising AI, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Large Language Models (LLM) to revolutionise the ESG advisory space. His creation, ChatESG™, exemplifies his commitment to enabling businesses to seamlessly integrate ESG principles into their operations, thereby enhancing their social and environmental impact.

With a rich background in strategy development, stakeholder engagement, and operational excellence across various sectors, Geoff brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise.

Geoff's dedication to leveraging technology for good, combined with his profound understanding of ESG imperatives, makes him a distinguished speaker, ready to share insights that are at the forefront of AI's role in shaping a sustainable future.