Goodlife Collective stands for creating spaces to re-humanise the world, and to contribute to unlocking our individual and collective potential.
Our values are curiosity, humility, integrity and fun.
The goals of Goodlife Collective are to:
- curate / co-deliver events, conversations and spaces, that reconnect us, to explore co-becoming and co-creating a pathway towards healthy people and for planet.
- create spaces for people to gather and explore what it means to live a good life, and to (re)connect heart wisdom back into the decisions and processes that shape our world.
- explore how our information landscape and built-environment
shape who we are, and do our bit to create the conditions to help us 're-citizen'.
- to positively influence the collective narrative to support us all to re-synchronise with nature, re-humanise and re-indigenize.
We concur with Brene Brown: "leaders should be learners not knowers".
We're excited to be on this journey and movement with you, to (re)balance headspace / heartspace, linear / circular, silos / holistic, separateness / connectedness,
degenerative / regenerative, left-hemisphere / right-hemisphere, and spreadsheets (yes, yes, they have their place...), with a bigger purpose.
Our mission is to play our part in healing or 're-habilitating' planet and people. To (re)ignite self-belief and agency in individuals and thus the collective, to support re-connection with heart wisdom and nature, with trust and safety, with regulated nervous systems, with compassion and acceptance. With good dance moves, belly laughs, and a dash of joy!
We're fans of:
more relational vs transactional
more accountability less blame
more nature less concrete
We believe learning happens by doing, (#experiential - not theory), how can we expect society to function awesomely at a collective level in a system that incentives individual success? We need to create opportunities for people to experience and practice collaboration and cooperation. The more we come together as a collective, and form storm norm around being a collective, the better we'll get at it.
We believe in the value of building self-awareness of our inner space, and how this impacts our outer space. We're keen to explore IDGs (Inner Development Goals) so watch this space for more IDG-related events.
So, please join us on the journey of shaping a world that can unleash the 'goodlife'!