Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce's logo

Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce

Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce's logo
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The Chamber is a non-profit association which represents the Hawkesbury’s Business & Industrial Communities and provides a wide range of benefits and services to help improve your business. It gives members the opportunity to network with other businesses in the Hawkesbury. Get to know the people who work around you on a personal basis, exchange ideas and promote your business.


The Hawkesbury City Chamber of Commerce host a number of networking events designed to provide fellow Members with the opportunity to network with likeminded business people.

  • Business Breakfast – 3rd Thursday of every month from 7:00am 'til 8:30am at the Crowne Plaza Hawkesbury Valley
  • Business After 5 Networking – 1st Wednesday of every month from 5:30pm 'til 7:00pm at various venues
Informative Speakers

Our monthly breakfast meetings host informative guest speakers with advice on a broad range of topics aimed at helping your business.


The Chamber offers advice on issues important to your business including industrial relations, employment awards and OH&S issues via the NSW Business Chamber.

Community Links

Have your say in what’s happening in your community. The Chamber is your direct link to Council and your local Members of Parliament. By joining with other members we have a strong, united voice in issues that affect Hawkesbury businesses.

Chamber Staff

The friendly and professional Chamber Executives are available to help you use the combined experience, knowledge and networks of other members of the Hawkesbury business community.


We often host workshops and seminars for our Members aimed at specific areas of Business with experts in their field presenting to our audience.