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Healing Council

Miracles Through Alignment

Launched in 2020, The Healing Council is a unified collective focused on creating healing through miracles and alignment. Three uniquely talented professional psychics and healers, Todd Rohlsson, Angela Kantjas, and Jeff Maple, have aligned with the goal of helping humanity shift towards conscious evolution.

While each member has their own knowing, abilities, and energy systems unique to their specialties, all work through their own Higher Selves, in direct alignment with Source. Weaving their work together as Healing Council, they are able to facilitate vast and immediate shifts towards conscious evolution and foundational release of deep seated misaligned patterns, old pain and trauma. Education from Spirit helps consciousness transform through expanded knowledge and understanding of the vastness of the power of choice, the beauty of self responsibility, and the passion and peace of true alignment with Source.

This healing work is profoundly impactful on both individual and group levels.

Todd Rohlsson

co-founder, Healing Council
creator, Living Light Alchemy Designs

A professional Interdimensional Psychic for over 30 years, Todd is also the creator of Living Light Alchemy Designs. These energetic tools for healing, protection, and magical transformation anchor frequencies from higher dimensional realms in a physical disc form. These designs have continually been and will continue to be upgraded as consciousness continues to evolve. Todd is deeply connected with Gaia herself, and in private sessions has the ability to anchor miracle healing in the physical. Through his vast Source alignments across the universes, he serves as a bridge to help Souls embody their Higher Selves as Divine Human.


Angela Kantjas

co-founder, Healing Council
Interdimensional Psychic, Transformational Healer

Able to traverse any dimension across multiple universes and visit any moment in time as directed by Source, Angela loves focusing on sourcing the root origin of trauma and strife patterns, utilizing Source to dissolve those bondages and conclude these difficult chapters in time. This allows for all that has been built on these dis-harmonic foundations to begin melting away with deep compassion and fresh perspectives. She also loves plunging into the living oceans and flying airplanes through the beautiful skies of our transcending Earth, because like Gaia herself, she knows she is free.

Jeffrey Maple

founding member, Healing Council
Hands-On Psychic Healer, Maple Healing

A master of healing in hands-on form, Jeff follows his own unique Source and direct Gaia alignments to intuitively locate trapped emotion, trauma, physical pain, and childhood wounding. By bringing such dis-harmonic energies to the surface, he works with each Soul’s body to release these stuck patterns, ground and balance the body, align the energy system, and calm the monkey mind. Channeled messages from Higher Self and Guides help foster a deeper understanding of Self, and offer insights on how to nurture and empower further healing.