Healthy Development Adelaide (HDA) plays a key role linking research, service delivery and policy development in South Australia.
HDA aims to promote, facilitate and enable multidisciplinary research to advance understanding of healthy development, ensuring the physical, psychological and social health of infants, children and adolescents.
HDA comprises over 700 members spanning more than 20 discipline areas, contributing research and commercial expertise to advance healthy development from preconception to adolescence.
HDA is supported by a collaborative partnership of South Australian organisations, bringing together researchers, clinicians and health and education services from universities, local, national and international institutions, government and the general community.
Our partners include the Channel 7 Children's Research Foundation, University of Adelaide's Robinson Research Institute, University of South Australia, Flinders University, Department of Human Services, Department for Education, Department for Child Protection, SAHMRI's Women and Kids, Women's and Children's Health Network, Preventive Health SA, Novita and The Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation.