I am Mixchelle- medicine keeper of heart.earth.drum.
I come from an unbroken matriarchal line of creole voodoo rootworkers
I am a curandera.
A cacao medicine carrier.
A ceremonial bone keeper.
A teacher. A mentor. A healer. A leader.
But most of all….a listener.
I walk with Jaguar medicine
and the shields of my Afro Caribbean lineages and traditions.
I sit under the protection and wisdom of my teacher
of Maya, Aztec, Zapotec, Olmec lineages and the Moonwalker traditions
of their elder teachers.
My medicine is deep heart work that allows for you to choose yourself, make dedicated time to honour YOU, and deepen your journey as you walk in cohesiveness to a place of self radical love.
You can sit in the safety of medicine through the following pathways:
🔥Heart connection meditation
🔥1-1 personal journeys & life coaching
🔥Hawaiian cacao ceremonial circles
🔥Womens circles and empowerment
🔥Healing circles and rituals
🔥Elder circles and wellness journeys
🔥Grandmother circles
🔥Chalice & sword (teenagers finding the feminine/masculine within)
🔥Little hearts (meditation for children)
🔥Corporate wellness, facilitation & speaking
I work internationally with people all over the world from all walks of life.
I am about progression and growth.
And I want to see you grow and shine. To live in balance with all around you through your best life in happiness and well-being.
If you want to know more about how to take steps forward fearlessly, calling back all parts of you to reclaim your powerful self, Book a 20 minute complimentary consult with me.
Contact me on:
Email: heartearthdrum@gmail.com
Fb/ig: @heartearthdrum
Fb Community: @heartearthdrumcommunity
Website: www.heartearthdrum.com