Welcome to the extraordinary world of the Heralds of Harmony, a distinguished barbershop chorus with a legacy that traces back to 1945. For over seven decades, the Heralds have been captivating audiences with their unparalleled vocal artistry and timeless harmonies. Steeped in tradition yet ever-evolving, the Heralds of Harmony are more than just a musical group – they are custodians of an enduring legacy.
Founded with a passion for preserving and promoting the art of barbershop harmony, the Heralds have become synonymous with excellence in vocal performance. Over the years, their dedication and commitment to the craft have earned them accolades and a place among the elite in the Barbershop Harmony Society International contest. The Heralds have achieved remarkable milestones, reaching as high as 2nd place in the world, a testament to their skill, precision, and unwavering commitment to musical excellence.