Holly View Creative

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 My grandparents lived in a house called Holly View.  My dad has many stories about growing up there, and it seemed such an idyllic time when kids roamed free with open ended play; a time before our throwaway culture and era of plastic.My sewing journey started in school when I did GCSE  and 'A' level Textiles but I didn't really pick it up again until I moved to New Zealand and had kids.  When both kids were in school I started to make Boomerang Bags, and I started a group where I live in Kaipatiki, North Shore, Auckland. That was the start of my upcycling journey and awareness of the plastic problem.I have made many many Boomerang Bags, and I think most of my friends have been given one at some point.  But I also wanted to make other things from upcycled fabric; So Holly View Creative was born. The first things I made apart from the simple tote bag was the humble peg bag, and I really just love them.  I have my grandmother's peg bag.  It's nothing fancy or even home made, but it speaks of an era where drying your clothes outside to dry was the norm.  It's just a good old fashioned practical bag and I have designed my own peg bag with this one as my inspiration.  I even have some of her old wooden pegs still going strong all these years later.