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Hot Potato Hearts

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Hot Potato Hearts desires to create an authentic community & relationships of all kinds, by getting us off our phones & engaging with one another.

Hot Potato Hearts is an inclusive community, building meaningful connections in low-pressure, casual safe spaces. Creator Katie Conway, dreamt up inclusive speed dating out of frustration from online dating in December 2021. Since then Hot Potato Hearts has grown into so much more than just a dating app alliterative. While Speed dating is what Hot Potato Hearts is most famous for it's not all we do here, we also host & produce Perfect Mash, a live dating show, two different trivia events, an occasional book club & community mixers. Our goal is to create a welcoming, fun, inclusive, & relaxed environment at all our events for cultivating relationships—whether romantic or platonic. Born from the heart of a queer woman Hot Potato Hearts is & always will be a space for all genders, all sexualities, all races, all abilities.