Gina Chick

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My name is Gina Chick (but most people know me as Gigi).

​I'm an international facilitator in transformation, using many, many modalities. I'm fascinated with wildness in all its forms, haven't worn shoes in over 10 years, live in a bus and spend many months of the year in the wilderness, sleeping next to a fire.

I also devote myself to helping people remember who and what they truly are, and with love and presence, guiding them home to their own beautiful, painful, messy, wonderful truths, while sharing tools to help move any of the stuck places holding them away from Life. For me it's all about being real, no bullshit, no guru trips. Saying yes to everything that life brings. Mining the lessons for blessings. Listening to the call of the wild soul, and learning to dance to its tune. Welcoming every person to stretch their wings, be big, be bold, be allowed, be magnificent, be small, be stuck, be flawed, be true. In my reality, we are all creators and creatrixes... the only thing limiting us is our myriad beliefs and judgements, and the simple, dastardly human movement of making everything mean something. We are the prison and we are the key. I am passionately dedicated to helping people find the unique combination lock that is an unfurling human growing in divine rightness. What a journey. What an honour.