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Ilana Kosakiewicz

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Ilana Kosakiewicz is a leading Australian kinesiologist, women’s wellbeing mentor, and yoga and meditation teacher. She is an entrepreneur with a past life as a CPA accountant in the corporate world..

Ilana’s own health journey with chronic fatigue, irregular cycles and auto-immune disease taught her that slowing down, finding moments of stillness, and listening to the body’s intuition are not just important – they are essential. 

Ilana is passionate about teaching women how to optimise their energy, step into their power and cyclical nature. She assists women to live in alignment and flow by learning to structure their weeks around their energy levels and listening to their bodies.

She also works with children (& some men) to assist in shifting their essence, energy and mindset so they can live authentic, content and happy lives.

Originally from Gippsland Australia, Ilana now lives in bayside Melbourne. She spends her days with clients, mentoring, facilitating workplace workshops, teaching yoga and meditation, running retreats, writing, cooking in her kitchen and spending as much time at the beach as she can.