Intelligent Ink Press

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Publishing New Zealand’s leading thought leadership books

We are on a mission to help bring better thinking to the world. And we know that books are one of the most powerful tools to strengthen and spread new ideas.

Intelligent Ink Press was born out of a need for more accessible, value-driven publishing in the New Zealand market. Thought leadership books are, by nature, niche, boundary-pushing works – and these don’t always “fit” into the confines of traditional publishing. On the flip side, self-publishing can be an arduous journey for authors, especially when they’ve just climbed a mountain in finishing their manuscript. 

We decided to design a hybrid publishing house the way we wanted to see it – where authors were able to keep 90% of sales profits and stay involved in the creative development of their book. Where they got help and support in doing the things, could tap into trusted contacts and suppliers, and were freed up to stay focused on what they do best. It just made sense.

Transparent, impact-driven publishing, strategically positioned for the author’s thought leadership.

We only work with the highest quality materials, and we only work with authors committed to the long haul of a thought leadership journey.