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Intuitive Wellness Co

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Intuitive Wellness Co’s mission is to create a new paradigm in health and wellness. We merge eastern philosophy and western science and believe that our ancestors held deep wisdom on living in alignment with our mind, body and spirit. We also recognise that science has yielding many amazing advances in medicine and therefore interpret our tools and techniques through the lens of the latest evidence and research. However, we acknowledge that there are things that cannot be explained by science, yet.

We work with you to create harmony amongst your 5 spheres: Spiritual, energetic, physical, mental and emotional. You will learn practical tools and knowledge to shift out of where you are stuck so you can create the life of your dreams. Most importantly you will learn how to commune with your own innate wisdom and learn to look within yourself instead of externally which is how we have been conditioned. We believe you can be your own healer and compass and that the answers you seek are already within.

Lee Duncan is the founder of Intuitive Wellness Co and is passionate about helping you live in flow and authenticity so that you can realise a life of your dreams. Lee is a qualified and registered Physiotherapist and specialises in pelvic health however has recently sold her clinic to pursue working with her clients in a more intimate and holistic way. She blends western medicine with indigenous and ancient wisdom and believes the true path to healing is through an inner journey to really understanding the essence of who you are and believes your uniqueness is your gift to the world.