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Iza Thomson

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I first experienced the joy of earth-building at 18 while spending six months living in a traditionally crafted mud house in a rural Malawian village. This is where I found my love for living in community and living in harmony with nature. Upon returning to Aotearoa, I completed a Bachelor of Architectural Studies at VUW with electives in 'Biology and Conservation' and 'Design Thinking for Sustainability'. Since graduating, I have contributed to over 15 natural-construction projects ranging from clay plastering existing walls to the more recent completion of a co-designed and co-constructed 28m2 strawbale roundhouse. 

Beyond the undeniable environmental and health benefits of natural building, there is also a deeper cultural shift that I believe natural building contributes to. It invites us to engage with deeper understandings of our belonging in the natural world, responsible stewardship of the land, decolonisation of the construction industry, and reconnection to our community.