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Jackie Messam

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Jackie Messam helps education providers, industry organisations and businesses support technical experts to develop the skills to train on-job.

Jackie is highly sought after as a trainer and facilitator, and is consistently top-rated in training evaulations. Technical experts love her ability to run well paced, engaging, interactive workshops that get them thinking, talking and collaborating. 

With an in-depth understanding of the construction & infrastructure and primary industries, Jackie consistently develops fit for purpose capability solutions, training programmes and high quality learning resources and assessment materials. Recent clients include New Zealand Wine, Powerco, Connexis,  ConCOVE Tūhara, Food and Figure CoVE, Primary ITO, Te Pūkenga, Afaq for Leadership.

Her easy going nature, professionalism and great communication skills means industry and education providers love to work with her on a variety of projects to attract, train and retain apprentices in the workplace.