Jade Whaanga

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Jade Whaanga, an Indigenous Dance Artist with Ngati Rakaipaaka/Ngati Rongomaiwahine heritage. Masters in Dance Studies from The University of Auckland. Her research focuses on reclaiming the indigenous feminine body through dance as ritual. Since 2016, she's collaborated with Dancing Earth, an Indigenous contemporary dance company in New Mexico, performing in four cities, administrating in Yelamu/San Francisco, and being Assistant Director for "Between Underground & Skyworld" in 2019-20. She’s an International guest Artist Facilitator for GONA (Gathering of Native Americans) Youth Arts Camp 2021-2023 in California. In 2019, she founded Nū Collective, offering interdisciplinary performances and hosting Hui Wāhine (women circles) and Hui Ringatoi (Creatives gatherings). She facilitates workshops at wellness festivals such as Splore and Earthbeat and teaches classes in studio spaces such as SOMM (School of Modern Meditation).