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Jersey City Mamas

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Jersey City Mamas is a community dedicated to sharing the authentic motherhood experience, supporting one another with acceptance and empowerment. 🤍

Who are the mamas? This community isn’t about any individual mama; it’s about the collective strength and stories of the entire group. All are welcome. 🌟

What do we do? Jersey City Mamas works to normalize the struggles and  celebrate the wins of motherhood. We host events that foster connections and uplift the Jersey City community. We are proud to be a part of the diverse resources the city offers to support mothers and families. We believe that every mama should find the support she needs, however she can.

Types of Events We Host:

  • Weekly Coffee Meet-ups: Find us every Thursday at 10 AM at Gussy’s Cafe for a free weekly meet up. 
  • Book Club: Our Book Club meets monthly to discuss our latest read. You can find the books and join the conversation in our WhatsApp Chat. 
  • JCM: Breaking Bread: Every month we plan a special dinner at a local Jersey City restaurant. The venue and menu are always a secret, and spots sell out quick! 
  • Special Events: From seasonal celebrations to informative workshops, there’s always something exciting happening.

Get Involved: Follow @JerseyCityMamas on social media, join the WhatsApp community, sign up for the mailing list, become part of the Facebook group, and attend our events. We’d love to meet you.✨