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Jess Hardley

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Hi, I'm Jess (she/they). I live and work on Whadjuk Noongar Boodjar in the beautiful town of Walyalup (Fremantle, in Western Australia). I am yoga teacher and somatic movement facilitator. I offer yoga, embodiment and somatic sessions and series in Fremantle, Perth and online.

I am qualified in Embodied Flow™, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra, and advanced pranayama. I am also qualified in trauma informed Yin Yoga and trauma sensitive yoga.

I have taught yoga to ages eight to 78. I believe that yoga is for every-body. As a queer and neurodiverse person myself, I am committed to creating spaces for every-body to find safety, freedom and joy in movement and stillness.

I also hold a Ph.D. in Media and Communication, along with a Research Master's degree in Gender Studies. I have been an interdisciplinary teaching and research academic for 15 years, specialising in embodiment and women's safety. I currently work across Gender Studies, Digital Cultures and Criminology.