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Jesse Firebrand
Jesse Firebrand's logo
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Contact host

- Jesse Firebrand: Musician 🎶 and Yogi 🧘‍♂️

- 20 years of yogic philosophy study 📚

- 5 years of teaching experience in New Zealand and Australia 🌏

- Specializes in blending yoga with original music 🎵

- Crafting original music for events like Ecstatic Dances and Sound Healings 🎼

- DJ with a fusion of Psytrance, Ecstatic Dance, and Indigenous Chants 🔊🕺

- Facilitates transformative Yin Sound Healing 🌀

- Passion for festival culture and contribution to sound teams at festivals 🎪

- On a mission to inspire personal growth and transformation through yoga and music 🌟🕉️