Joe Kowalewski    He/Him's logo

Joe Kowalewski He/Him

Joe Kowalewski    He/Him's logo
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Joe is the Founder and Chief Marketing Officer of the Local Area Marketing & Networking Group (LAMNG).

He is a multidiscipline communication professional and lifelong journalist with a background in national and local print media, technical and business feature writing; government public affairs, ministerial media management, corporate relations and cross-media marketing.

Joe has a strong background in event management in Australia and internationally in Germany, the United Kingdom, USA, China and Sri Lanka.

Describing himself as “difficult to pigeonhole,” he has spent more than two decades as a marketing director with a national association representing Australia’s communication, print and creative industries.

Seeing the exponential growth of small businesses, in 2017 he launched a specialist small business marketing agency, Local Area Marketing, which evolved into the hybrid Local Area Marketing & Networking Group (LAMNG).

Additionally, Joe is a small business mentor, educator and Business Accountability coach. He also mentors university students, “the next generation of business owners,” across business and IT fields.

In 2022, LAMNG adopted the Zen Tea Lounge Foundation, a domestic violence education and victim support organisation, as its Corporate Social Responsibility charity. Joe mentors Zen's volunteers and advises across its awareness, fund raising and support projects.

Contact: P: 0404 767 482 E: