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Jogi Bishwanath

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Namaskar loving soul,  

​I have walked the Shaktipat for many years working with Kundalini energy to bring about personal transformation. As a devotee of Shiva (Shiva is truth, love, all of creation and existence) and also Ma Kali, (Ma is the depiction of energy of Existence (sat) in its highest form. Kali is the Goddess of time, change, and destruction.) She is the energy current inside of you that is wild, empowered, and all-loving. 

After moving to New Zealand I embarked on a life-transforming journey to know myself through walking the Yogic path. Having met many enlightened Yogis in India, Nepal, and Bangladesh I have been inspired to share with you all my experiences.

​I have trained and taught hundreds of individuals across Oceania and Asia and currently offer retreats to Nepal and Tibet annually. I take great joy and happiness in guiding people along their path.

My goal now is to create a welcoming, peaceful and transformative space where individuals from all walks of life can connect with their inner wisdom and explore their spiritual path in Northland, New Zealand.

At the spiritual center, our team provides space and facilitation for a range of teachings, and experiences that inspire personal transformation and spiritual awakening. From meditation, yoga, contemplative sacred ceremonies, nature connection, and breathwork, I aim to provide tools and guidance for individuals to deepen their connection with themselves, others, and the greater universe. In completing any course with me you will understand yourself in new ways that can promote more happiness, joy, and peace in your life. I am looking to build collaborations with other organizations and individuals who share our values.

Ultimately, my vision is to ensure that every student attains success in their life.

Kind Regards
Jogi Bishwanath