John Ireland

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John is a breathworker, experienced in Oxygen Advatage (Aust & Ireland), Apnea Survival and Breathless Expedition   

His venture into the realm of Breathwork was not merely a pursuit of wellness but a quest for self-discovery and inner harmony. Like many, John stumbled upon this ancient practice during a period of personal turbulence, seeking solace and a pathway to navigate the complexities of emotions within. 

Breathwork, has became his compass, guiding him through the labyrinth of emotions and thoughts that had entangled  his mind. He delved into the practice, and discovered that each inhalation carried the power to anchor me to the present moment, while each exhalation became a release, shedding the burdens of the past.

One of the most profound benefits of Breathwork has been its ability to unveil the hidden reservoirs of my emotions. In the ebb and flow of breath, John confronted suppressed feelings, fears, and anxieties that had long taken refuge in the recesses of my being. Through conscious breathing, He embraced vulnerability and learned to navigate the depths of his emotional landscape with compassion and acceptance.

With more than a decade of hands-on field experience and an ongoing integration of science and education, his focus is on enhancing his understanding and refining skills in touch and trauma release. John is dedicated to expanding my impact by leading groups or working with individuals, providing breathwork either as a standalone modality or in conjunction with sound, movement, and meditation, as needed.