John King
As a Holistic Management educator, John’s trained farmers in Australia and New Zealand for over 25 years conducting over 450 educational events and published over 160 articles in print media and a book. He facilitates the Curious Cockie Club network across New Zealand boosting farmer confidence and skill for regenerative and lower input farming practices. His book Curiosity: Farmers Discovering What Works highlights journeys farmers experience when shifting away from intensive farming operations.
Siobhan Griffin - Grazing Coach
Siobhan has thirty years of experience in organic dairy farming in the US and has been a holistic management practitioner since 2007 when she started more intensive mob grazing. Now living in New Zealand for eight years, she has spent most of this time trying to teach her clients why regenerative farmers in humid environments like New Zealand and the UK do not need tall brown grass or sunflowers to regenerate their land. Regen farming is not just about the soil but is about discovering natures secrets for more productive landscapes. Livestock are the key. Siobhan reveals how she lifted soil organic matter on her farm by three percent in six years while raising healthy livestock and children.