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Jonathan Fredette

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My mission is to support my community of clients, students and people I encounter with revitalized wellness that I have encountered through the various healing modalities I've found.  From an early age, I became aware of the deficit our modern world has in supporting humans in true holistic wellbeing.  It became my passion to study ways in which I could help remedy some of the chronic symptoms I was facing and as I became older, I dedicated my life to this pursuit.  I graduated with a B.S in Health Sciences from Portland State University, and was magnetized to the field of mycology after experiences how helpful functional and medicinal mushrooms were to my own personal wellbeing.  After three years of working within a medical laboratory and several start-ups, I determined to serve my community directly with high quality education and natural medicine that I would help craft myself alongside a business partner.  I formed Evolved Mushrooms in 2019 with this vision and have helped my clients find renewed wellness, and have supported the vision and dreams of future mycology entrepreneurs looking to do the same.  It is this path of medicine that continually leaves me awestruck with its potency and encourages me to delve forward on this mission to uncover the depth of the term wellbeing.