Journey with Angela

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Angela embarked on her sound healing journey with a deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness and a profound belief in the power of sound to heal and restore balance. Inspired by her own transformative experiences with sound therapy, Angela set out to share this ancient healing modality with others, hoping to make a positive impact on their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Angela’s sound healing sessions introduce the benefits of meditation, sound baths, and mindlfulness via a variety of avenues; private and group sessions, corporate events/meetings, wellness events/expos, and virtual sessions.

Her goal is to provide a relaxing experience with a focus on overall wellness. Each session is unique with a mission to help participants relax, let go of stress, and focus on self-care. Using a variety of instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks, koshi chimes, and ocean drums, participants are immersed in a concert for the mind. In this day in age of constant connectivity, social media, and high stress, sound baths provide a dedicated time and space to disconnect and help ground you to a state of relaxation like no other.

Word-of-mouth referrals and positive testimonials from satisfied participants propelled her forward, allowing her to expand her offerings and reach a wider audience. Angela's sound healing sessions became known not only for their effectiveness but also for the nurturing and supportive environment she cultivated, where participants felt safe to explore their innermost selves and release what no longer served them.