Judith Richards is the creator of TRTP (The Richards Trauma Process)
Judith is a person of extraordinary strengths and courage, with a history that beggars belief… a life remarkable and profound in its content and experience. Judith has an intimate understanding of trauma. She knows it inside out, back-the-front and sideways.
So what happened to her? Judith’s journey through life introduced her to trauma from a very young age. This paved the way to re-victimisation – further more extreme and more extensive abusive experiences as an adult. And she survived. More than that – she has thrived.
For many years she suffered extreme physical and mental illness as a result of her psychological trauma and physical injuries. AND, she never gave up. With great courage and determination, she persisted, learning and discovering that there is a way to capture a life worth living. There is a way to the other side of trauma and its myriad symptoms.
The result of this journey is The Richards Trauma Process. TRTP is 3 three-step process that aims to resolve trauma and trauma-related issues quickly, effectively and safely.
Judith now teaches TRTP to mental health professionals.