Judy Keats, Green Sister's logo

Judy Keats, Green Sister

Judy Keats, Green Sister's logo
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Judy Keats, Permaculture practitioner and organics educator, has 12 years growing and leadership experience across multiple sites, both in community gardens and urban farms in Auckland.  More recently, Judy has been instrumental in establishing a new market garden at Kelmarna City Farm, and works alongside Carl Pickens Landscape Design to implement food forests in rural settings.  

Judy is passionate about wellbeing, caring for the environment, and believes that by observing our plants and the changing climate we can find solutions to increasing production in our gardens.  Small scale operations provide the potential for meeting our food needs, especially once we understand how to collaborate with nature.  

Judy teaches a varied workshop programme, offers private consultations and coaches individuals in their own gardens.

You can contact Judy directly on 021 635 607 or judy@greensister.nz