Karina Miotto is an environmental educator, journalist, coach and TEDx speaker. She resided in the Brazilian Amazon for several years and collaborated with renowned NGOs such as Greenpeace and Amazon Watch. Serving as the editor of the O Eco website, she led a team of 24 reporters covering the nine countries of the Amazon basin. Karina holds a Master's Degree in Holistic Science from Schumacher College in England, and over the years, she has acquired extensive knowledge in Deep Ecology, an environmental philosophy that promotes reconnection with nature and our personal power as agents of transformation. To support changemakers, Karina became a certified coach through the Choose Your Life methodology developed by Paula Abreu, one of Brazil's most respected and well-known coaches.
Since 2019, Karina has been living in Australia, where she has authored articles, led workshops, and delivered talks and classes, sharing her expertise and experiences with various groups, events, festivals, schools, and universities. She collaborates with the Australia Earth Laws Alliance at Latrobe University and is part of a collective working to spread Deep Ecology in Australia. In the Australian media, she has been featured in interviews for the Scientific Community Journal, Byron Bay FM radio, and the Plastic Free Gold Coast podcast. Karina has presented lectures in different countries, including England, Germany, New Zealand, the United States, Chile, Brazil, and Australia. Through her work, she has impacted hundreds of individuals worldwide.