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Karine Massimiano

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Karine Massimiano believes that all is possible in life with commitment, inner connection and trust in the creation process. Being a dreamer and achiever herself, she shares with the world tools and wisdom so others can also have a fulfilling and harmonious life.

Her mission as a Mindset and Achievement Mentor is to empower women (and men) who seek to prioritize themselves, connect to their purpose and achieve their dreams.

She has a degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica SP, has worked with HR, project management and management of change for more than 10 years in large companies (Worley, Avianca, BHP and Mondelez). During her own personal growth journey, 4 years ago she decided to integrate her technical management tools and knowledge with human development. She brings to the table or to your mat and help you develop your soft skills like no other: effective communication, emotional intelligence, self-regulation, stress management, self-awareness and many other.

Join us in our events or 1:1 to get the opportunity to meet this bubbly person ready to support you on your journey of expansion and self-discovery.