Kate Henry

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Kate Henry (She/Her) is a Mum, a friend, a lover, a daughter, a sister, a human. She has been a dancer, a morning TV producer, and her first job was filling (and sampling) mixed lolly bags in her parent’s general store… “One for the bag, three for me!”
To this day, she loves all the sweet things: honey in her ginger tea, poetry, stories, big old trees, farmers markets, riding her bike and slow days with her beloveds.

As a young person Kate loved to express and connect through dance. She has always had a penchant for storytelling too. When she was fortunate enough to stumble into the world of Yoga, she found the practices rekindled in her a forgotten joy and love of movement. She was captivated by the mythology and the philosophy - especially the nondual teachings of Kashmir Shaivism in the Tantric Yoga tradition.
Kate is currently undertaking a degree in Osteopathy from SCU and is thrilled with how the learning is deepening her appreciation for the human body. 
For Kate, feeling her body and breath are soul affirming experiences. Her yoga practice is one way she revels in the magic and mystery of life, feels intimate with the world and basks in the wonder of it. It’s also a chance to remember how whole and part of a greater whole we are.

Kate has been sharing her passion for yoga in studios around Melbourne since 2013, as well as leading teacher trainings and retreats. She now resides in Mullumbimby where she teaches public and private classes. She is beyond grateful to have had the opportunity to share and express herself and be so graciously received by those who have joined her for practice.