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Katrina Denton

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Awaken; Journey Within

Katrina Denton -

A Certified Breathwork Facilitator, Holistic Coach, merging with her diverse background of Reiki, Educational Teaching & Environmental Sciences.

Embark on a sacred breathwork journey, where you are supported to immerse yourself in a profoundly transformative experience.

Safely navigate altered states of consciousness through a personalised flow that weaves the healing essence of Breathwork, Meditation, Sound, Shamanic Energy, Reiki and more transformative techniques. The creator of empowering shifts in your life, supporting your awakening.

Explore a mystical odyssey, inviting you into a transformative dance with the feminine and masculine energy within. Unveil the profound layers of your soul, beckoning the spirit to join this sacred communion. 

Nestled within a protective sanctuary, embrace the gentle influence of potent modalities that weave through the tapestry of your mind, altering its rhythm. Sink into the depths of low theta, where the ego dissolves, making way for the deliberate unveiling and integration of your shadow self. 

In this conscious healing, let your heart and mind harmonise, creating a coherent symphony. Unravel the threads of conditioned thoughts to rediscover and commune with the radiant essence of your higher self.