Keith Lam SeeHow

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With 0 resources, 0 networks, 0 capital and not much of anything else, Keith has built a group of companies with over 350 staff in China, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. Over the last 5 years, Keith and his team has built an infrastructure of businesses that work together cohesively to make money online. What they term New Money.

Along with their team of staff, Keith has helped and mentored over 65,000 businesses in 5 countries in around 83 industries. So, you can Take it to the Bank, when they tell you that what they teach is battle tested and proven.

Now official partners and appointed Mentor Week trainers with Facebook and now TikTok, and having done work for corporates like Accenture, Saatchi&Saatchi and Vanguard along with an arsenal of 40,000 factories lined up in their supply chain, The SeeHow team has built 9 successful (and currently still running) brands, so they are not just some "guru" but real business people.

Their goal in 2024 and beyond, is to keep riding the social media waves and keep building profitable brands while keeping the door open for those whom intend to do the same.

Success is easy, once you know how. The game of life and the game of business is never fair, and there is no point in complaining. Instead, come along, learn what we know, and take it to new heights.